Untamed Tackle Breacher Jig

Size 1/2 oz.
Color Green Pumpkin

Designed as a compact, heavy cover flippin jig, the Breacher is a step forward in the evolution of Untamed Tackle's best selling Ace Jig.  The Breacher was designed to fall fast and straight through grass, brush and security cover to big bass waiting below.  A modified bullet head design and slight recessed line tie punch through cover like a hot knife in butter, but also allows the jig to rest in a "hook up" position on the bottom.  The weight across all 3 sizes of the jig is evenly distributed across the sides and back of the jig head, which means the hook gap is the exact same in the 1/2, 5/8 and 3/4 ounces sizes!  The Breacher is built with the same 4/0 Gamakatsu hook as the Ace Jig, and features a premium weed guard.  Each jig features a "Hole in One" thin strand jig skirt that can trimmed to fit the jig trailer of your choice!