Strike Indicator Tool Kit- Makes the ultimate Adjustable, Knotless, Stealthy and Super Sensitive indicators!
Cut Your Own Tubing- 12 inches of spare "Cut Your Own" tubing to make spare sleeves.
New Zealand Wool Yarn- 12 inches of Stealthy White and 12 inches of Bright Florescent Green New Zealand Wool Yarn - Precision Spun, Dyed and Engineered to Fit the New Zealand Strike Indicator System. Use one strand for our "Regular Size Tubing"
There are no weaknesses or kinks as our system is 100% knotless.
Indicator will not slip -- even with a huge fish on the line, aggressive casting or high wind conditions -- yet is easily adjusted by the angler when desired.
If the fish start rising, no problem -- just takes a second to remove the indicator so you can straight dry fly fishing immediately.