Ahi USA 3.5" Rock Cod Squid Rigs

Color Glow Pink Glow

“Ready to fish” 2-Hook Rockcod Rigs come equipped with small glow-in-the-dark squids fish can’t resist. Extremely effective under a variety of conditions and depths. Includes swivel and weight snap.

Pretty simple, and darn effective. Everyone likes calamari, rockfish, too. Price is right, they're rigged well, and not so surprisingly, they also catch fish!
Two colors, both glow in the dark, pink or lumo white. The lures are rigged on 50lb line, 6/0 hooks, tandem rigged lures to comply with CA fishing regs. The lures are 3.5 inches each, make use of one barrel swivel and one ball bearing swivel with snap. There's a good deal of tinsel flash with these lures and they are priced right!